Are you ready for the coming shift to driverless cars? While it might seem like some futuristic vision, the truth is that driverless cars will be on the road within a few short years. Driverless vehicles are already being tested, and driverless “taxis” will be hitting the road in multiple cities over the next few years.
At AQRE Home, we believe that driverless cars aren’t just going to make massive changes to the way we get around – they’re also going to have serious implications for the way we use our homes and interact with them in the very near future.
Below, we’ll explore these broad ways that driverless cars are already shaping – or will soon shape – our homes.
#1: Goodbye, Garages
It might seem strange to imagine, but very few people will own cars in the future if current trends persist. Car ownership is expected to shift to entrepreneurs and services who offer vehicles for on-demand use – we are already seeing this shift take place in cities with Uber, Lyft, and other ride-sharing services. This will free up valuable garage space to make our homes more efficient and enjoyable.
Consider this: not owning a car is going to enable us not just to live very efficiently with less space, but it’s also going to make our homes more enjoyable by freeing up space for lawns, gardens, children’s play areas, or even a guest cottage on your property. The options are endless!
And if you are planning to sell or rent your home, the AQRE Home predicts that buyers and renters are going to pay a premium to have more square footage of living space instead of a garage.
#2: More Friendly Streets And More Efficient Land Use
We also believe that we’re about to see a complete re-imagining of how we design and use our streets. Fewer people will own cars so parking lots and street parking spots will gradually fade away in favor of driverless car hubs in which vehicles can be hidden away when they’re not needed.
This combination will allow city planners to thin streets, freeing up land use for bike lanes, boulevards, communal terrace space, or larger yard areas. If you are the type that enjoys having a beautiful big front lawn or a pedestrian-friendly area in your neighborhood, the coming shift to driverless cars will benefit you.
#3: More Space Means More Green Space
Finally, expect to see a lot more green space around your house in the future. With less space taken up by cars, you will have more space for landscaping, flower beds, gardens, trees, and other yard fixtures. And driverless cars will make it possible for your yard to also include a gazebo, guest cottage, or other outdoor structure that was previously out of the question.
These changes are going to be enormous in scope, but the driverless car revolution is already underway. At AQRE Home, we want homeowners and residents across Canada and the United States to prepare for this shift so that they can choose homes with driverless features when they’re ready to buy or sell.
We would love to hear from you! If you’re looking to take advantage of this shift when you buy your next home, contact us. Our team of real estate professionals will be happy to share excellent home listings that will be perfect for those looking to change how they use their car.